All Grey Tones

Something black, something simple. Something boring, something classic. I am all about simple looks but sometimes it looks like you are wearing the same thing every single day, which isn't necessarily bad, but when you call yourself a fashion blogger it isn't the most sought after thing. I am wearing black high rise pants from Zara. Super comfy and stretchy and just a tad dressier than wearing yoga pants.

On the top I am wearing a thin long sleeve basic from Brandy and I tied it to give it a little style. I then paired it with my common projects for a splash of neutral color and then acessorized with my new Julia Szendrei necklace!

I am one for keeping it simple but lately I have been trying to branch out and accessorize more and I feel like it is making a difference in my looks. Not to mention this house was the perfect complement to my look. One side of it was natural wood while the other was a grey wood which gives some of the photos the look of being photoshopped which I think was a pretty cool effect.

Thinking about grey, I have been contemplating switching over my Instagram feed from grey and white tones to a still white vibe but with more color and life to the photos only because it is very hard and limiting sometimes to keep up with that vibe.