Over Caffeinated and Happy.
12 stops and 3 hours. Sounds easy right? I thought it would be until I realized how popular this Charity Coffee Crawl had become. I...

Coffee + Flowers
One of the best things about San Diego is that it feels like a less chaotic version of LA with more trees but is still chaotic. If that...

Easy Gluten Free Breakfast That Sticks with You.
Even though I've always been one to eat healthy I wanted to start eating healthier than I was previously. Cutting out the smallest things...

Brunch Goals: Epistrophy NYC
On a cold brisk morning in NYC, I found myself craving brunch. So after searching yelp and instagram I came across this place called...

Coffee, Yoga Pants & Slides
Super original, I know. When I am not dressing up in cute clothes I am in yoga pants, slides and a comfy jacket of some sort. One of my...

Malibu Farm: First Impressions
I am the type of person who checks out a businesses' Instagram before deciding on whether or not I want to go there. I feel like I'm

Alfred Coffee & Kitchen
I think we have all seen the posts 'But Coffee First" on Instagram and I was intrigued. I went to the location on Melrose place and it...

Succulent Cafe
What a little gem in Oceanside! I randomly needed coffee during one of our drives down to San Diego (*typical) and this place popped up...

Coffee Please
The coffee culture, Intsagram takeover, and what to wear on a coffee date.